Thursday, 28 October 2010

I Don't Do Sunsets, but ...

If you ask most photographers what inspired them to pick up a camera for more than just taking snapshots they'll probably tell you it was to photograph sunsets. When I still worked behind the counter in a camera store it was the most common reason customers gave for upgrading to an SLR.

Sunsets have inspired us all but they have become the cliche of photography, which is a shame because they can be overwhelmingly beautiful no matter how many you've seen before.
While I like shooting in evening light I don't often to it just for the sake of a nice sunset. It's one of the few times I lower my camera and just appreciate with my own eyes.

So, having said my piece on sunsets, a photo!
I can say, without any shame, that the picture below is not a sunset. It's the sun rising over Dubai taken from my kayak at a time I'm usually in bed. Hope you like it as much as I do.

sunburnt ... and in need of a shave

1 comment:

  1. Hey Craig whats amazing photographs i like your site much
